The symbolism is there because of a law which the elites believe in, which is that if someone puts an intention in front of your face and you accept it, then whoever has that intention be it good or bad has the right to do whatever they want to you. This is also called the Satanic Law in which it is stated that if someone puts an intention out there say to do harm to you and displays it by announcing it to the world, if you do not do something about it, then whoever sets the intention is allowed to do whatever they want to you.
This symbolism is there to fulfill this Satanic Law. Which they believe by doing this, the illuminati can show the world who is in charge, at least on a subconscious level. All of this relates to mind control because all the symbolism that is done will affect you on a subconscious level.
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Why Program People?
If you want to control someone, do you overtly try to control them which will lead to an eventual rebellion because the people have an enemy to fight. Or covertly control them, in such a way that people don’t even know that there is someone in control. These are what the rulers of this planet are doing, substituting overt control with covert control.
Using programming techniques such as trauma-based mind control, you can make your victims believe just about anything. Trauma based mind control is said to be used on people in the MKUltra experiment to create spies, and this is because the personality of the person under the mind control does not even know that they are under the influence which makes them perfect agents to go undercover.
This is also due to the mechanisms of trauma, when a person is traumatized, their consciousness splits into two, they disassociate. When dissociation happens, people do not remember what another part experiences. Just like Siamese twins, the disassociation is there to protect the part of the person that is under heavy stress. PTSD from combat, childhood trauma are examples where a person’s consciousness that is traumatized has to be split into the subconscious. So when one personality is hidden, their true personality will not come out.
People that are under the influence of trauma-based mind control from the MKUltra experiment are traumatized deliberately through processes such as electric shocks, psychological torture and such. This is conducted in such a way that their consciousness will split into a part of them that can be programmed in a way to act the way you want them to act. And another part of them, which is the true self is kept hidden away.
The mind is a very powerful tool and people underestimate how powerful we can create the things that are present in our minds. The elites understand this which is why they are desperate to control the mainstream media and the flow of information. Whoever controls the flow of information has access to what we believe. What we believe will dictate what is possible in our life.
Psychological operations around the world that create trauma
Have you ever wondered why is this world so traumatic, the way it is? Like for example, events like 9/11, the war in Iraq, and now the COVID-19 pandemic. All of these are what you would call a psychological operation or psych-op for short. The goal of a psychological operation is to deceive, mislead and traumatize people on a mass-scale.
When people are traumatized, the rational part of their brain turns off and is more susceptible to manipulation and for thoughts and ideas from people doing the manipulating to be put into the victim’s minds. Unfortunately, 95% of this planet is under mind control. If you think of 9/11, what was the justification of 9/11? It was to go to war with Iraq. Similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, having a pandemic that is there justifies a mandatory vaccination of the global population.
Global politics are all psychological operations, from the ideas that are put into your head from education, to the history of our world (which you do not know is true or not).
Tools like this that create trauma allows for whatever solution to be presented to be an escape from this trauma. It can be also likely that MK-Ultra and all these CIA experiments done underground are first a testing ground on a human being before conducting these events on a mass scale globally.
Project Artichoke
You may have heard of MKUltra the popular psychological experiment, that is popular in conspiracy theory circles. But lesser known is project artichoke which are also a series of experiments carrying in-house experiments using LSD, hypnosis and total forms of isolation.
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This project was then succeeded by Project MKULTRA. A lot of these experiments have been conducted by the Nazis which fled the second world war to become prominent scientists in the USA, this was called Operation Paperclip.
These experiments truly highlight the debauchery of human nature and what people are capable of. The type of people that conduct these experiments are usually psychopaths, people that are disconnected from human empathy and disconnected from other people, so that they can conduct such things.
Ways To Combat Trauma Based Mind Control
Everyone here on this planet, since we are under the influence of this evil force has experienced trauma. According to Teal Swan, a spiritual guru an average person down the street has 22 splits of consciousness. 22 splits of consciousness means that everyone in some way has a sort of multiple personality disorder. You cannot really escape this, because the reality of this planet is that it is a traumatic place.
The goal should be to be aware of these techniques and to heal our own trauma. Techniques such as meditation, journaling and writing bring out the unconscious aspects of the mind to the surface. Once the shadow is brought to the surface, it can no longer be hidden. However, if a shadow is still operating under the subconscious (the hidden mind), then these traumas are still running the show even if you are not aware of them. The main way we heal trauma is through bringing the unconscious into the conscious. Psychedelic substances such as Cannabis, Magic Mushrooms and DMT can be said to bring out these unconscious aspects of our human psyche to be healed. This may be a reason why these drugs are considered illegal even though they are natural substances that can be home-grown and found in nature. These substances can be considered medicine because they can heal people.
Our society is and has been under mind control for decades, if not centuries. To control the mind means to feed people ideas of a perpetrator, which their ideas may not be founded on reality. When you can start to see that our society has been under the influence of mind control can you really wake up towards it. First standpoint is to see that your thoughts may not be necessarily be true, it has been fed to you through someone else at least the most of it. Going through the process of questioning and introspection is the way forward.
The mass media is a tool of mind control, if not the biggest tool of mind control. You can play things, messages, subliminal on the television, on the news to feed the unsuspecting population ideas that are completely false. But because people believe it, they take it as fact. But we have to question everything and question whether these things that we believe are that of what we actually believe or what society tells us to believe. Only if we start to work on our own self-improvement and to be empowered within ourselves do we have a chance to truly discover the truth of who are the real rulers of this world.
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