After spending the past 2 years researching these phenomena and being involved in its communities, I have to say this..
Don't use conspiracy theories as an escape for actual self improvement.
You see, I do not deny that there could possibly be an extraterrestrial race of reptilian alien beings dictating world events behind the scenes. And when I hear something that sounds that preposterous, I think so what?
Let’s assume that what these researchers have synthesized are true.
I still have to pay my bills, I still have to eat food and I still have goals I need to pursue. It doesn’t matter if aliens do exist or do not exist, what matters is what I am doing right now on this planet.
And this is where I found the trap of conspiracy theories, is that it makes you think that since the world is going to end any way and that life is meaningless, so I do not need to put in the work. And also thinking that I don't need to do anything about it except gather knowledge about the conspiracy.
That is simply not true. But first, let's talk about the opposite.
On one hand, the so called people that are "not awake" dismissing all conspiracy theories as BS is not the right way of doing things. How would you know what these theories are true or not true if you have not taken the time yourself to prove or disprove it?
It would be like dismissing the existence of Africa just because you have never been there before. Just because you have not heard of a place, does not mean it’s not real.
It’s believe it’s all about balance, I am open minded enough to research these theories and test them onto my own personal experience. And if it resonates with me one day, that’s fine. But maybe I don’t need it now, there’s no harm in learning new things.
Then there's the opposite: taking everything as a conspiracy and also thinking that knowing about this information is going to save you from certain doom.
What I found frustrating about the conspiracy community is the lack of practicality in the research. You HAVE to do something with what you have learnt, and in terms of the conspiracy field, you have to share it. The best thing you can do is to share what you have learnt especially in the conspiracy theory field.
Just like if you are a video gamer, the number one thing for you to do is to play games. If you are in the conspiracy field, if there's a conspiracy going on shouldn't the number one thing or goal is to share it with people that are not aware? We are all in this boat together.
In addition to this, here's my rant on spirituality in this field.
None of it is measurable, there is no measure to say I am more awakened than you to the truth of the world (aka I’m more of a conspiracy theorist than you). It’s just fluff. Or if I am going to transcend into the 5-D Earth and everybody is going to be stuck in the 3-D Earth.
So what if I get sucked up to the 5-D Earth, I still need to work right? I still need to live my life. That’s why I think the spirituality and the conspiracy field is a distraction for what really needs to be done which is to apply knowledge. Apply the things you have learnt.
It’s about using both having the long term thinking of understanding“conspiracy theories” and the practicality in testing things out with your direct experience to see if what is being said is true. That I believe can and will lead you to a balanced life.
When you only base things of your 5-senses and ignore all conspiracy theories, you are not open minded enough to validate and research things that are out there. And thus you are limited by your 5 senses mind. It’s like ignoring a giant elephant in front of you and denying it does not exist.
But if you only are into the airy fairy world of the conspiracy theory field, and you neglect your 5-senses and you are just living in a fantasy land that may not exactly be real. It’s when you combine both, the spiritual mind that can see the unseen and the practical, day-to-day mind, that you will truly be able to reach what Maslow call “self-actualization”.
It’s the combination and synthesis of both fields. Have some balance.
This article will not go into any conspiracy theories because as you know, as of my writing this article, there is a huge censorship of information going on which may stem from very corrupted people in power to remove our innate human being’s right to free speech. So instead, I would like to open your mind up to new perspectives that on things that you are not comfortable in dealing with.
Remember, growth, and in this case, personal growth can only happen when you are in a state of discomfort. That’s when the true growth happens. So if the thing that scares you is to share this information with someone that's not in this field, then this will have to be the thing you focus on. Nothing good will come out of learning about these conspiracies if we just stick in our small little groups and do nothing.
The truth is meant to come out onto the light.
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