If you are perceptive at any level, you may have asked yourself this question.
What on Earth is going on with this world??
Many conspiracy theorists have speculated that the coronavirus pandemic is used as an excuse to bring in a new world order.
But before we start any of these conversations, I would like to settle the controversial term: “conspiracy theories”. There are no theories, as anything I am relaying to you here can be researched by yourself through resources accessible through duckduckgo.com.
Why use duckduckgo? It's because google has been compromised and part of this global agenda to enslave humanity. Use privacy free search engines that do not censor or take down "misinformation" they do not like.
I am actually against conspiracy theories, if it’s something like a unicorn that does not exist and has no substantial evidence that it exist, then we are wasting our time. What I am for are conspiracy facts.
If there is something that has the possibility to exist then I am for discussion. Except things that are happening today, are happening at such a rapid rate, we cannot just deny the facts. We also have to remember that the term, "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA to discredit people that were coming too near to the truth.
If you open your eyes, there is an insurmountable, undeniable evidence that there is a global shift in power towards a few individuals. I want to use this post to educate to you on the systematic mechanisms of how the people in power are pulling off this Great Reset under the guise of a fake pandemic, and why if we do not stop it, could spell the end of the human race.
Background Information
For background information, you would first need to be able to see the three levels of the scam that they are pulling.
- Fake Virus Fake Pandemic
- The Secret Societies That Run This World
- The Existence Of Aliens
Fake Virus Pandemic
The first thing that they have pulled off is to have a fake pandemic and an introduction of a solution (vaccines) that will bring us closer to a society the perpetrators want to create.
A person in power that wants to seize more control cannot do so by overt means because it would mean a strong pushback. This is basic human psychology. That is why what you see in most totalitarian regimes, there is always a slow grab for power that is unnoticeable. Study cases such as Nazi Germany and Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s.
Therefore, the mechanism of operation & manipulation is always through the subconscious, because if something is worked through the subconscious mind, it cannot be seen and when something cannot be seen, then it is very difficult to pinpoint and deal with.
Taking this example versus overt control, where people can see things for example a war. Overt dictators are fast, come in hot but also crumble over the test of time.
On the other hand, a manipulator will not be able to openly create a war this because it will expose them to the open, however, there are things a manipulator can get a lot further in what they can do because no one will notice it. I call this a totalitarian tip toe, where you as a person are a frog slowly in a boiling water. If you slowly bring the temperature up, no one is going to notice.
We need to remember that we are dealing with very cunning manipulators here in this global pandemic.
Klaus Schwab of the Great Reset |
And so what is going around the world is this, the people in power are ushering in a new world order under the guise of a fake pandemic that is not proven to exist. How do we know this? Conspiracy researchers such as the likes of Bill Cooper and David Icke, many insider whistleblowers like Bill Ryan has been able to call this for decades because it is a plan that is being followed.
Why am I able to play you clips recorded 10-20 years ago that describe what is happening right now on this planet? It is because everything you are seeing today is planned and has been planned for a long time.
How Are They Pulling This Off?
The agent you call COVID-19, does not exist. How do we know? The PCR test cannot test for any infectious disease, many doctors have said it. You have fake cases, and for any reason if you passed away while testing positive for COVID-19, COVID-19 goes on your death certificate.
Even the ex-Pfizer vice president, Mike Yeadon says that anything that this test is used to test for COVID can be regarded as useless.
The most crucial part of selling this scam is through fear. Using the fake deaths, the media produced a lot of fear in the population by saying that there’s a deadly pandemic going on. A lot of what the media portrays is based on fear, have you ever noticed that there was never a point in time from 2020 to 2022 where the media has reported good news?
So how is it exactly possible to pull off a scam this big and on a global scale? It’s because the same perpetrators that are perpetrating this plan are the same people that own the media. If you have done any study into media studies you would know that all the media in the United States can be tracked back to 6 corporations which owns a monopoly over the world’s media.
The Big Six |
Those companies are Disney, Fox, Comcast, AT&T, Sony, and ViacomCBS.
It would be very easy to produce a narrative that every single media company can follow and it is indeed a psychological operation because it is about telling a person a lie that they will believe. It does not matter if the facts do not match up with a person’s belief. The person believes in it so much that they will die than change it. That is what these media companies have done in the COVID-19 pandemic is to create a belief in a virus even though the facts do not add up.
The next step after creating the illusion of a pandemic is to censor any opposing opinions. This is why you see silicon valley owned companies such as Facebook, Google and Youtube which are all owned by the same people are censoring ANY sort of differing opinion regardless of the validity of the speaker. It may seem ludicrous at first glance, but this is happening.
Then the next step would be to make the population so frightened of the pathogen and enforce rules that will make it seem that there is one that may not even do much. One of them such are the masks, which if you have studied psychology and psychological warfare, you would know that they can be used in doctors for hospitals and such but also used in MK Ultra experiments to demonize and dehumanize people. The mask is a representation of silencing of the voice, the 6 ft apart rules signifies the isolation of human beings. And the lockdowns signify not being able to meet up with people, the basics of human life.
You do not know if there are people that are dying, you just heard about it in the news. And like a virus, a thought, it infected the majority of people’s minds – creating something called a collective mass psychosis.
Once this point has reached a critical mass, they would introduce you a solution – which are the vaccines. Countless research has been done already on this current coronavirus vaccine and it has not been proven safe at all, to be frank – you do not even know what is in it, even the researchers that have worked on it do not know what is in it. But you are so frightened at this point, that you will accept any solution, even if it means to do bodily harm to yourself if it will save your life.
COVID-19 Vaccination Centre |
Therefor that is how they caught the mass into taking this mass vaccination. Even though the vaccination is ineffective at best and a tool of mass genocide at worst, a person that does not understand human psychology will not be able to see that they have been conned, because they have already invested so much into the whole pandemic narrative.
This is what you would call the sunken cost fallacy, a term used in poker where people do not want to lose what they have invested a lot into already even though the investment has already gone bad. Why exactly am I bringing psychological terms in a biological agent that is presuming harming the world. It’s because the COVID-19 pandemic is run by psychologists and not doctors. It’s all about abusing human psychology at its worst and turning it against the race.
This is also why the use of social proof was so powerful. You would see your friends lining up to take this vaccine, and so you automatically assumed it was good for you, even though the concrete evidence was the contrary.
Ask The Experts on brandnewtube.com A panel of over 25 doctors, nurses and health practitioners warning about the danger of the mRNA vaccines |
So what exactly is going to happen next, after vaccination. The answer is more vaccinations of harmful genetic material which will lead to more cases and more deaths which will lead to eventually a microchip to be introduced for your safety.
- 8 Ways The mRNA Vaccines Will Kill You - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Organs Of Deceased Vaccinated Patients Prove Autoimmune Attack - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
- Heart Failure Within 3 Years From Vaccinated - Dr. Charles Hoff
- Dr. Judy Mikovits on London Real - "50 million will die in the US from vaccines"
- WHO Whistleblower - "they are creating a perpetual pandemic"
When you can see Bill Gates giving a TED-TALK where he believes that the world needs to be depopulated through vaccines. He even specifically said he wants to lower the population by 10-15%. It is absolutely a global agenda that is unfolding day by day.
Now to understand the next stage of this conspiracy, you would have to take a look at four main players tackling the response of this pandemic, Bill Gates, Tedross, Anthony Fauci (head duck Fauci), and Christian Drosten. All of these people are ultimately connected to the insiders of the illuminati. The illuminati are a group of secret societies and groups that control the world from the shadows.
The Secret Societies That Run This World
But to understand the illuminati, we have to understand the mechanism and the funding of this organization.
I would highly recommend a documentary called: "Out of the shadows" to further research on this topic.
There is an international black market that involves the trade of children to the world’s elites. This is a billion dollar market, which involves torture, rape, murder, organ harvesting and a lot of dark stuff.
Satanic Ritual Abuse involves this, which involves in the kidnapping, torture and sacrifice of children to harvest their energy. People that are in the elite, usually study something called the occult, and are part of satanic cults. They workship Satan basically.
Now at this point you may be thinking thoughts like “Are you serious?” but before you do that you must know this. Regardless of your spiritual or materialistic beliefs, or if you believe Satan or the devil is real but what is important is that these people do believe it and follow its Luciferian Doctrine.
A Kate Perry Music Video |
The illuminati operates through symbolism. You may have seen it in Hollywood (holly wood, based on the holly tree used in druidic practices in the past) where they close their eyes or create strange rituals. You may be thinking sometimes when watching these celebrities, "what in the world are these freaky music videos they are producing?".
Symbolism and ritual represents a vibratory frequency. The elites are parasites, they feed off human suffering, they are operating at such a low level of thought and consciousness and morality that they cannot survive without suffering. Therefor when they create a ritual or the occult they are creating this.
Sustainable Development Goals |
The illuminati has always been in control of the world for decades, simply follow the money – and you will find owns the most wealth in this world which will dictate how the world operates. There, you will find illuminati members and members of the deep state. These people are however puppets at best because the real people in control, we will never see them on public display.
It was never the people we elect that are in control but Deep State operatives. They believe, and I quote, they believe that they have the right to rule over all of humanity and that we are slaves to them. That’s why they came up with this New World Order plan to make us submit to it.
If you follow UN policy, especially those of Agenda 21, you would end up with a 1 world government, run by a 1 world army, a population that is under 500,000,000, dictated and controlled by Artificial Intelligence. A dystopian world.
The Existence Of Aliens?
Finally let’s talk about the aliens, at the very top of these secret societies are reptilian alien beings and gray aliens which dictate the policy to the UN. This is a very very tricky situation that the world governments are locked into and that aliens have always existed, in fact they may have already been here before we were born.
Arizona Wilder's account of government's interaction with Reptilians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmOPtjh5geg&t |
If you take a look at Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors, they all have one thing in common and that they are saying that their abusers were not only high government officials but non-human entities in particular reptillians. Are they delusional? Hallucinating?
Whistleblowers such as Phil Scheneider has said that the UN takes its policy from extraterrestrial forces. This is where the Reptillian and the alien theory comes in. The point is not that we are controlled by aliens, but we have been sold off to aliens by human beings just like ourselves.
Alex Collier, which he claims to be an Andromedan contractee, also talks about this in many of his talks. This is a human problem that is occurring and not an extraterrestrial problem. There are many extraterrestrial races that are here to help us ascend and want to see us do good.
The Solution To Madness
What is the solution? |
So what is the solution? Are we doomed, with so many powerful forces against us? I believe in light and hope and that is my goal. We are stuck in a very very sticky situation however we on this planet are gifted with many talented souls, storytellers, creators, builders, scientists, healers that can bring what we call the New Earth.
It has been written in many prophecies that the “New Earth” is coming and that the control structure that has been controlling the human race for thousands of years are disappearing. There will be divine intervention. And there is one thing that these people underestimate and that is the human spirit and will to overcome any obstacles, to stand up against tyranny, to go against the grain, to create miracles out of thin air.
This force that is controlling the world is not strong, it is extremely insecure and is not powerful at all. The only way they rule is through fear. However we have to wake up, we have to stay open minded and research the information. Take this information to the average guy down the street and show it to him, and he’ll say “that can’t be real” without even taking 5 seconds to look at it, consider it, research it. This person's mind is closed and a closed mind is easily manipulated by cunning individuals. It’s not that the perpetrators are powerful, it’s that we are stupid and naïve. We must awaken from the dream and stand up.
The occult magic that these people perform only work if people are not aware of it. They believe in spirituality and it is in their best interest for them to keep the human race ignorant of their own power and spirituality. That is how society is set up, to follow the rules, to keep your head down, to not go after things important to you in favor of fitting in. Fitting in for what? Till you’re dead? Society steals souls, at least this current society, our society is founded on occultism and mysticism. Magic exists every single day. However my message is that no occult practice is superior than the human being’s capacity for creativity, for love, for emotion, for teamwork and connection, to create something out of nothing.
Every single invention you are touching or using in the room you are in has been created from somewhere, from thin air, this is the power of the human spirit – we have imagination while these elites do not. The elites are parasites, they are only able to take something that is good and corrupt it into something despicable. Have you ever wondered why after good founders of a startup passed down their company to their sons/daughters or to their shareholders that the spark of the company dies, it usually gets corrupted or sold off to greedy guys.
“A criminal mind will never beat a mind full of wisdom”
The people perpetrating these crimes are criminals, and a criminal has only one place in this world to go to and that is the jail and self destruction. They self-destruct because their ways are so fundamentally flawed against the laws of this universe of equilibrium balance and harmony. Therefor it is inevitable that it will crash. However what most people don't have is a criminal mind, that's why they cannot comprehend the levels of evil that some people are capable off. We have become too soft, too comfortable.
As long as people realize the power they have as individuals, we will never lose. As individuals, with just the thought of our minds we can do amazing things. A single person in the 21st century holds more power in their fingertips than the kings and queens of the past. That is why we must stop this, we must imagine our way out of this and take action on what is going on. We must use our voices to warn our brothers and sisters because we are one human family, it does not matter what language you speak, what country you are from, what age, how much money you have in your bank account, it is your duty to work together with other humans to bring this Cabal down. The Cabal works because of their bloodlines, they are not human beings. Period. They are hybrid humans. We, on the other hand are pure bloods. We are cosmic royalty.
If a person is poor on this planet, we are all poor. If there is war on this planet, we are at war. There is no escaping this. This is a problem that every single human being must find the courage within themselves and speak out against the plan to enslave us. It's only because we accept and acquiesce to slavery that we perpetually create it.
I believe a comeback is possible.
We will never give up.
We have to push on.
For the freedom of this world.
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