There are four technologies that if introduced, will change the face of this Earth.
1. Med-beds
2. Anti-gravity technology
3. Free Energy
4. Quantum Financial System (QFS)
These four technologies I believe one day will be introduced to the planet which will revolutionize the way we conduct our lives.
Do not be fooled that this is new tech, as these are technologies that have already existed on this planet during the age of Atlantis and Lumeria. They are also used by alien civilizations, however after the schism that occurred roughly during the fall of atlantis, our human civilization as we know today experienced a fall in consciousness.
This fall of consciousness meant that we are not able to experience using technology that utilizes a higher vibratory frequency. However as we experience a global mass awakening, I believe that slowly these technologies will be introduced to us.
Just like you would not give a baby a nuclear bomb button that says “DO NOT PRESS”, you would not want to give human beings that are not ready for this level of sophistication powerful life changing tech that could potentially lead to its self destruction.
We will be covering each specific technology in future articles, so stay tuned..
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