I want you to imagine going back to the time you had your first date. What were the sensations like?
How did you feel?
Let’s take the first 2 minutes reminiscing your experience of going on a first date.
Now I want you to describe this sensation to someone that has never experienced a date in his entire life.
How would this person react? Probably with a confused look.
This is the same with describing to people what gaslighting, most people have never experienced gaslighting and thus they cannot understand what it is. Now before we go into what is gaslighting, I would like to tell you why I am qualified to educate you on this topic, even if I do not have a degree in psychology or psychiatry.
As my background, I grew up with people that had Cluster B personality disorders, which is a type of personality disorder which their way of interaction utilizes this manipulative technique.
Psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissist. You name it.
I am not going to reveal who and the details of what happened for the sake of privacy.
However, what is most important is that I have experience dealing with gaslighting and do so on a daily basis. Here is what knowledge I can impart to you.
The first advice I can give you if you are reading this, and this is speaking from decades of experience, no one is going to save you – because the system is corrupted from the top down. You need to arm yourself with knowledge to learn how to save yourself. We are at war, and if you do not learn how to defend yourself, you will become a victim.
I could write for 10 hours about the challenges I faced growing up, but all you need to know is I have real-life experience in dealing with these people and I have overcome them and broken free from it.
The biggest mistake I see people make when dealing with Cluster B personalities is that they believe that all people are good. Wrong. The people you are dealing with, do not think like you and me. They view reality from a very warped perception and so they are unable to generate genuine empathy and compassion for other people.
That does not mean that they were born bad people per say, but they have been possessed by an entity that is masquerading as the person you are talking to. They have allowed for that possession.
In the eyes of a manipulator, up means down. Left means right. Evil means good. War means peace. Average is success. Hate is love. Incompetence means competence.
Seems far-fetched to encounter such a person?
Yet this is what is happening to you on a global scale in this COVID-19 pandemic and unfortunately, unlike the leisure I had in my childhood - people do not have time to wake up because the lack of experience is what is going to kill you.
This is why you are seeing the denial of reality in others.
You have been gaslighted by someone in power that does not have your best interest at heart.
The people that are perpetrating the pandemic are not only psychopaths, but extreme forms of it, meaning that they do not have empathy for the fellow human being and so can commit acts of massive atrocities without batting an eyelash. Having dealt with these sorts of people on a daily basis and using the term “extreme forms of it”. I hope people realize the scale of evil you are dealing with in the world right now.
So let me introduce you the basics of gaslighting.
Ultimately, all gaslighting is for a manipulator to erase your sense of reality and for your thoughts to be not of your own, but of what the manipulator wants you to think.
Gaslighting is a form of what you call covert aggression. You have two forms of aggression, overt aggression and covert. Overt aggression is what you see in your schoolyard bully, he’s big, he’s telling you he’s out to beat the shit out of you and he tells it to you in your face. Overt aggression is easier to deal with because it operates in the conscious mind. You see it.
Covert aggression on the other hand. is aggression that operates within your subconscious. It’s there, but you cannot see it, like a knife that is ready to stab you right in the back – you cannot see it, but it does not mean it does not exist.
Just like you cannot see the moon, you have never been to the moon, but you know it exists is like covert aggression. It is something that is taking place in the shadows.
Ask yourself these questions..
Are your opinions of this global truly pandemic yours or did someone plant them in you?
Which scientific paper shows that masks are effective?
Is there evidence to suggest that vaccinating the population with the new mRNA vaccine is effective?
Why do PCR tests show a 90% false positive rate in some cases yet are still used as the main force of testing.
Why are people in power rationalizing vaccinating the entire globe when you have already thousands of cases of vaccine injury and death.
Is there really a global pandemic to begin with? How do you know what the mainstream news (or any news) for that matter is true?
I am no scientist or doctor, so I cannot give you a medical advice however I am also making a statement that doctors and scientists are not trained to deal with evil people. And therefor, they too can be under the influence of them. Highly intelligent people can be susceptible to gaslighting if they do not know what they are going up against.
The information I am presenting to you can be accessed in this book: In Sheep's Clothing by George K. Simon.
So what are the three principles of gaslighting that you should know?
The Three Principles Of Gaslighting
1.) Manipulation and Denial of your Reality
Gaslighting at its core involves a denial of your reality. Let me give you an example.
Say today, you took away the trash. A person that is living together with you a day after you threw the trash screams at you “
You reply confused yet resolute: “I did take away the trash yesterday”
Obviously at this point of time, you would be very confused and justifying yourself:
“No I did take out the trash, at 7pm yesterday look here and here”
Then the person shouting at you would say.
“Oh I meant I saw that there were a few pieces of garbage that leaked out of the trash you took away” (story change).
This example is obviously someone that is trying to influence your reality even though you know that what he/she said is not true. But imagine if this happened to you every single day 365 days. You would probably be questioning yourself, hmm maybe I didn’t take out the trash.
That is gaslighting. Someone is making you doubt your 5 sense reality.
If you can put it simply, it is an inversion of the truth. Left means right. Right means left. Doing something good means making a mess.
The best way to deal with this is to do a gut check. Your gut, is your doorway access to your intuition which will never lie to you. Use this as your guide to find out if someone is trying to invert your reality.
2.) Web of Lies
Every person that employs gaslighting techniques are liars. They lie so much that they believe their own lies.
And the motivation behind lying is not for fun. It is for control, when you can make someone doubt their own reality, or believe in a false reality. The one that is aware of the truth is in control.
A lie that is very believable is still a lie and the crux of gaslighting techniques is to tell lies.
The second principle of gaslighting is to "tell a lie big enough that it seems like the truth".
3.) Top-down manipulation
Manipulators are parasites. Meaning they do not contain creativity, they take something that is already existing and corrupt it but they are very good at it and that is their talent (or lack-thereof).
They are also masters of triangulation. To put it simply, triangulation is about creating the illusion of two sides and playing them off each other so that the manipulator can create what they want. A manipulator does not need to do it’s dirty work if it can influence other people to do it for them and that is what you are seeing in the global pandemic.
To protect one’s position, they play two sides together while the two sides are battling against each other, they are unaware that the person that is controlling both sides is the person employing the manipulation.
At the very core, gaslighting is a technique used to influence your thoughts and emotions. It is a form of mind control and this is not science fiction but happens on a day-to-day basis.
Why would you see people abdicating their free will to evil people? The answer is must go back to human nature and the structure of our reality. It is much easier to support someone in power even if they are clearly wrong than to usurp their authority because as human beings, we have a cognitive bias within us called the “authority bias” in which we instinctually bow down to authority figures. This bias can be so much so that even if they know they are doing something wrong.
Take a look at the Stanford Prison Experiment in which the participants playing the guards in the experiment decided not to stop the experiment even though they were clearly in the wrong, no one said anything. History has also shown the ugly side of human nature, take the Nuremberg trials in which the Nazis and collaborators were persecuted even though many were just simply “following orders” even though their actions were clearly wrong.
It’s too much to look at and it’s much easier to believe a lie than to stand up to the truth.
The fact that a person employing top-down manipulation means that you cannot see it in the conscious mind. Manipulators operate from the subconscious, out of sight. So that you cannot see where they are, and thus you cannot expose them.
So what are the solutions? We are in a dire position right now, and the future is undecided. Where we go from here is of the utmost importance. Nothing is more important than taking these three actions.
How do you know what you are hearing in the media is true? And has yours or humanity's best interest at heart? If this is your first time reading this article, you have no reason to trust me. So why would you trust strangers on the television telling you what to do.
You have to question everything and if you do, you will find the official story of the global pandemic does not add up at all.
Do this.
1.)Speak the truth. The truth will win out in the end, you must expose these people and bring them to the conscious, like I said – they operate in the subconscious.
“It is error alone which needs the support of the government. Truth can stand by itself”
What is science? Science is ultimately an investigation on truth through hypothesis and experimentation. If something is wrong, a scientist can prove it right and vice versa. Science is not a religion, it is a philosophy.
If someone tells you that 1+1 = 3 and tells you that you cannot question that, this would bring up some alarm bells yet this is happening right now on a worldwide scale.
2.) Say No
The thing I learnt about dealing with bullies is that when you say no. The bullying stops.
It is that simple.
I am not saying to be a Hollywood superhero and stand up and beat the bad guys. But what I am saying is to have some self-respect to stand up for yourself.
When someone is telling you to do something you know deep down inside you is completely wrong, you have to say no. You cannot say yes because every time you say yes to something you know in your gut is wrong, you are killing a part of yourself.
When you have self-love and self-respect for yourself. You will not put up with any of this bullshit. I AM NOT DOING IT. Under any circumstances, NO. And have the conviction to pull through.
3.) You are powerful
Don’t get me wrong. You are not powerful in the sense that a tyrant is powerful because a tyrant has no power, his power is in manipulation, intimidation but not in actual strength.
We must all understand that we are all co-creators of our reality. At any moment in time, if you do not like your circumstance, you can change it. You are 100x more times powerful than you think you are. Why is this world built on manipulation and lies and keeping people down with such force and brutality? Is it because we are weak creatures?
It is because as human beings, we are more powerful than we give ourselves credit. Remind ourselves everyday of this fact that at any moment, we can turn whatever situation around with just our thoughts.
What you need is faith and belief.
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