What You Must Know For The Coming Months Ahead..

What you must know for the coming months ahead..

With the human race slowly nearing the 2nd year of the global pandemic. One must ask ourselves, what in the world is going on with the world. With businesses stopping and the world being brought to a near and eventual standstill, one must ask – what is the truth out there, is what we are being told the absolute truth.

This article we will briefly cover these three things.

1.       COVID-19 is a lie.

2.       Vaccines are dangerous.

3.       Your government is not telling you the truth.

I do not expect you to know everything there is about the conspiracy that is unfolding before our very eyes but it is an absolute conspiracy and if you are not awake at this point of time, my message to you is you better be because things are about to get real very soon.

You do not even have to go as deep as some of these “conspiracy theorists” are going. But what you do have to arm yourself with this knowledge because it is through knowledge that we can bring down this global tyranny that is unfolding before our eyes.

Before you label me or anyone a “conspiracy theorist”, there are two things you should know. Firstly, where does the term conspiracy theorist come from?

It is a term created by the CIA to discredit anyone that is in search of the truth. In essence, a way to cover things up.

Second thing is, whatever I am writing to you in this article, are things that you can verify yourself. I am not saying this as my “opinion” as some of my articles have been written but these are facts that have been said by very credible people with decades of experience in the medical field all of them simultaneously saying the same thing and sounding the alarm.


The COVID-19 SARS-COV-2 virus has not been proven to exist. Coming nearly 2 years into the pandemic from where this blog post is written. This alleged virus has not been isolated ever. That is the first piece of evidence. Take a look at the sight below and the facts that have been researched.


We are in the 2nd year of the pandemic and we have not isolated a single piece of the virus, how can that be? The vaccines that are being created are used as mRNA technology. Something that can possible irreversibly change your DNA for life.

Then comes the second piece of alarming evidence of the PCR testing. The inventor of the test, Karry Mullis himself once said that the PCR test cannot be used to diagnose infectious diseases and that anything above a certain threshold will give you a false positive.

So if you are using a test that cannot test for a virus, how do you know you or anyone has COVID-19?

Next comes the flu, how can a disease that is so infectious and common such as the flu and the common cold disappear to no levels. It is not only scientifically impossible for wearing masks to eliminate the virus completely.

I do not need to be a genius to figure out that COVID-19 is just the flu rebranded as a deadly virus.

2.     Vaccines are Dangerous

Show me evidence that vaccines are safe. There have been countless studies on this that prove without a shadow of doubt the danger of vaccines, in particular, the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Yet at the same time, even if you are propagator of vaccines as they have been an integral part of our health system for nearly a century, you cannot say that the COVID-19 vaccine is a vaccine. It is an injection, because it does not fulfill the criteria of a vaccine.

Let us quote Wikipedia on this: 

A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.[1] A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.”

There is no weakened microbe, or microorganism for you to gain a natural immunity to for the COVID-19 vaccine, instead it’s there to modify your RNA/DNA to create the immunity for the virus.

Thus, we are using technology that has NEVER been used on the human race into every single person right now. We do not know the long term studies of this, and in fact, in the animal studies of testing of the mRNA technology, all the animals in the studies have died.

If you take a look at the VAERS reporting system, take a look at the number of adverse reactions there is, the number of deaths it is and according to a Harvard study, this only accounts of 1% of deaths reported. You do not need to be a researcher or a medical expert, you just need eyes and ears to open yourself.

People are dying from this vaccine. This is a fact that I am not allowed to say it, yet it is the truth. Show me any evidence that this specific vaccine is safe.

3.     Your government is not telling you the truth

Dr. Michael Yeadon, the ex-VP of Pfizer have said these exact words “the government is lying to you that may lead you to your deaths.” in an article he did. This is the ex-chief scientific officer of Pfizer and he is bringing you warnings like this. This is not the only “mainstream” authority figure that has come out and spoke against this.

Figures such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.

Even Dr. Robert Malone himself is sounding the alarm and he INVENTED THE TECHNOLOGY THAT IS BEING USED IN THE MRNA VACCINES. If that does not sound the alarm, I do not know what does.

Are governments truthful all the time? Absolutely not. But in this case, every single government in the world is going through the same thing. If you just do a quick search and research, you will find that every single country in the world is going through the same thing.

How can that be? And what does this all mean?

It means that the world leaders are collaborating together and that there is a deeper agenda going on. Other than that, there is no way for this to happen. I will not go deeper into the deeper illuminati conspiracy here but it is a very deep rabbit hole.

How are people not seeing it then? The reason also comes down to human nature. The people that have perpetrated this understand human nature and that we are prone to many biases. One of the biases is called the “Authority Bias” in which we are more likely to listen to people that have a perceived authority.

The second cognitive bias that is being used is called the “social proof” bias. In which we are more likely to follow what other people are doing, If everyone is doing it, it must be right then? Just take a look at what happened with Jim Jones where everyone conducted a mass suicide and drank the Kool Aid in Guyana. Yet this is exactly what is happening all around the globe. A mass suicide.

The final bias I would like to highlight is called the “Urgency bias”. Human beings under no pressure will usually not act, unless you are someone that is very developed but when you have an urgency, something that is limited or scarce, then this springs people to action. This is why you have 20% discount sale weekends; you do not have these sales forever because that defeats the purpose. This is exactly what is happening, you have an “alleged” virus that is out there that is said to be very deadly, and repeated many times. And there you have an urgency, something to move you into action.

If someone then decides to take this vaccine, then whatever we tell them, they would say that they did it by their own choice, but is it really their choice? they are not aware of the biases that are playing out.

This is something typical of what David Icke calls Problem > Reaction > Solution. You create the problem, and make a huge reaction, a huge stir out of it and eventually from that you give them the solution to the problem. Before you dismiss Icke as a conspiracy theorist and crazy, I would like to ask you, where did problem>reaction>solution came from. It came from the world of advertising and marketing and is used every single day.

Every single product marketed out there utilizes this, they find a “need” in the market, or something people like, they amplify that need through marketing and they sell you on the solution. It can be used for both good and evil, just like a sword can be used to cut people up or to defend your friends. But how many things have we been sold this? Like eating meat makes you stronger? That we need constant entertainment, that human beings are fragile creatures. Things like that were sold you through the problem > reaction > solution model.

We need to understand that psychologists, not doctors are in charge of the pandemic. An actual deadly virus will get you paying 1000s of dollars for the cure for profit. This is how the world works. But the cure for this? It’s free. Do you think the government in your country is so nice that they suddenly had a change of heart after all the atrocities done? (and no government is not guilty of this).

I would like to leave you with this..

Who benefits? Who benefits from creating this pandemic.

People have lost the ability to think for themselves. We need to take time by ourselves to reflect on what is being said to us. Think clearly and use your intuition.

So What Should We Do?

Protesting is one way, but on the other hand, protesting is exactly what the powers want, so they can bring in martial law.The only true way out of this is through not accepting the authority of the powers that be. If you are accepting that the relationship you have is abusive, then you have the power within you to revoke anything that is given to you.

If you feel that what they are doing is wrong, the first step would be to not accept the authority of these people. The only power you give to authority is the power you to give to authority. It depends all on you.

I am not saying to be a rebel, there are authorities that you should follow, one would be God, one would be people, and I am talking about respectable people that have humanity’s best interest, and your best interest at heart. Follow these people, but do not make the mistake to follow people that lead through the usage of intimidation and fear.

That is not the way to go forward.

After you have acknowledged the powers to be to not be an authority over yourself, the next step would be to use your voice.

You need to use your voice.

Speak your truth. The problem with tyranny is that people have lost their ability to speak out. Now, we still have our voices and we are 100% censored so it is still possible to use our voice. So use it!

Speak out what you think is happening and what you have learnt is happening. Even if you believe in the vaccines, you cannot silence another group just like that. This is no different than living in a communist state, which a lot of countries are living in right now.

We have challenging times ahead of us and I hope this article can inspire a message of hope to others. We really, at this time need to band together and settle our differences as human beings and turn towards the real problem. The politicians in power, the deep state, the forces that control humanity for a very long time, and say no to this.

So we can live in a better world for millennials to come..
