How Our Society Is Currently A Death Cult


1. Opposing critical thinking

Big tech and mainstream media is currently censoring everything and everyone they don't agree with. Prominent people in the media (i.e. Fauci, Biden, and Pfizer CEO) say anyone spreading "misinformation" or denouncing the vax or creating vax hesitancy should be criminalized or labelled as "terrorists".  Meanwhile, they are not penalized in any way for spreading misinformation.

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving while labelling former members "sinners"       

Vaxports are basically proof of membership and if you don't update with boosters, you will be penalized by being barred from society; in some countries, you will be fined and/or imprisoned. Vax victims who speak out are banned and insulted online, and ultimately gaslighted by believers. 

3. Infallible and (charismatic) leader who has exclusive means of knowing "truth" and no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible

Fauci has proclaimed himself (in third-person), "The Science"; if you criticize him you are against science and therefore a heretic. Basically he can do no wrong in the eyes of his followers. His followers will defend him to the death even as he forces them to die via clot shots. 

4. Dishonoring the family unit

Anyone not fully-vaxxed (even if they are family) cannot be part of your social circle. Some countries have actually banned the unvaxxed from attending social gatherings. The leaders of this vax cult don't care if they tear you away from your family. In fact, you should shame any family member who remains unvaxxed and punish them by excluding them. 

5. Process of indoctrination or brainwashing is present

For three years, mainstream media has been blasting Covid fear porn every single day. It's no wonder why the vax cult members are entrenched in the main narrative that Covid is deadly and the only cure is the miraculous vax. 

6. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability

They just tell you to take the jab with no good reason, data points, or intellectual persuasion. In fact, if you ever get injured or someone you love dies from it, big pharma isn't liable.

7. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget or expenses

Although we know this plandemic has minted many billionaires, we don't know in clear detail which portion they received and how politicians benefit financially from the shots administered. The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that the government knows everything about you but you know next to nothing about the government. 

8. Unreasonable fear about the outside world

Government and mainstream media are only able to get people to bend the knee and get injected through Covid fear porn (i.e. spikes in cases and hospitalizations) All of which are all unreasonable because the rate of survival is close to 100% and cases are easily faked through false positives created by high threshold PCR tests.

9.  Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances

Awake vax victims all say they have been harmed by vax but have been shunned, shamed, and abused by members of the cult.

10. Sacrificing your own best interest to benefit the group and its leader is expected

Clearly, the vax is only good for big pharma and the elites involved. In fact, members don't even receive Covid immunity like they were initially promised; the only ones immune (from financial and criminal liability) is big pharma.  Whereas some members die or are permanently disabled/maimed for no benefit whatsoever.

11. There are records, books, news articles, or broadcast reports that document the abuses of the group/leader.

Ever heard of the National Geographic movie, "Fauci"? Enough said. 
BONUS:  Followers feel they can never be "good enough"

You can never be fully-vaxxed, hence never "good enough" 
