There’s a saying that the human eye can see only 0.0004% of what is really out there. So, is there an unseen realm out there? A realm where things exist but we as human beings cannot access. Think about 4-dimensions, 5 or even 6-dimensions, these are concepts that the human mind cannot fathom but by the laws of physics are still existing.
Then there are psychic phenomena such as ghosts, poltergeists and extra dimensional. Are they real? How does this play a part in the world we live in?
What If The World Is Ruled By The Unseen
There is something called the conscious and the subconscious mind. Many scientists have suggested that what you experience through your conscious mind is only 5% of what governs your behavior. However the fact is that the 95% of the unconscious part of your mind is what is really who is in charge. These determines things will determine things such as your habits, your movements and your behavior.
Many have suggested that the subconscious mind is the part where you can access what you would call your higher self, or even the dreamscape. Astral projectors claim to have the ability to access parts of your subconscious mind to project your consciousness into areas where you normally have to take a plane to go to in your waking life.
Lucid dreaming as well is the ability to stay conscious, or lucid during your dreams.
The truth is, there is very little we have yet to understand about our abstract world we live in. What is there to explain intuition, the sense that something is going to happen and then it happens. Or when animals start dying mysteriously or running away when a disaster is about to happen. These are things that happen under the radar that have no scientific proof, yet is a part of our daily occurrence.
Many in Buddhist circles have called this life force energy, or the unseen “chi” or life force energy. This is the energy that governs all living things. Scientists have even a term for it called: “dark matter.”
If you even take a look at science, and you zoom into any part of your body – you will find atoms being separated by empty space. But it is through this empty space where the physical takes place.
How Does It Affect Me?
If what is out there and what is possible at our current lives is only 0.0004% of what is possible out there. Then that means that there is a world out there that is yet to be seen, and yet to be explored.
It can be said that people that go on psychedelic trips on psychoactive substances such as LSD and mushrooms claim to be able to access other dimensions and interact with other entities.
So if that’s the case, is the term that an evil force that is unseen to the human eye is controlling the circumstances you are seeing on the planet Earth? Which is the root of all the conspiracies that you are seeing. Perhaps.
I would just like to relate this to the topic of Satanic Ritual Abuse, the devil worshipping elite. Why do they worship the devil?
Does the devil really exist? If the devil works through the unseen, you would never be able to find out through our limited human senses. You would have to access beyond the five senses to be able to get through to it.
My point being, is that what is currently out there in the world, the most deepest of the worlds secrets are hidden to the human eye. From psychic phenomena, to devil workship, to UFOs – you will not be able to find these topics in the mainstream and that is why they are called: paranormal, occult, terms to describe hidden.
But if something is hidden does it make it not real, just like you have never been to the moon, does it make it fake then?
You would never know and the only way to find out is to keep an open mind and to do your own research onto these topics. For an infinite world out there, lies infinite possibilities.
We as human beings have the ability to have a thought and to bring that thought into real life which makes us powerful compared to other animals who can only live in their 5-senses. It’s these unforeseen forces, the higher intellect that we can access that makes us creator beings as well as powerful.
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