What Is Mind Control?


There are many elements of mind control that’s present in todays’ society. We have briefly covered upon this with an article on the reasons why our society is currently a death cult. Mind control is purely psychological phenomenon and present since the birth of a human being in modern society. 

From the biases that your parents have had passed on to you, to the school that you go into that indoctrinates your mind ideas that yourself do not know are real, to the workforce you enter where an authority figure tells you what you can or cannot do.

This is the slave mindset which unfortunately is present in every fabric of society. From the news you read, to the devices (the smartphone) we have been given, to the games and entertainment we have been given. This is all mind control, control so to force you to have only ONE perspective on something. Mind control cannot exist with multiple opinions/perspectives.

The most important weapon that you have in your human body are not your fists, but your mind. A mind can conceive of a nuclear bomb to destroy vast amounts of the world. The mind can also conceive of a weapon and the knowledge of how to use the said weapon to murder someone. A strong mind is one that is resistant to the outside forces of the world while a weak, mind controlled one is similar to that of a leaf blowing in the wind, able to be influenced by just about anything.

A mind-controlled person can believe anything, they are not strong internally. Think of an elephant that has been chained to the pillar its whole life. The elephant at one point of time was small and could not break free the chain. So it grows up thinking that it’s their life and that they cannot escape the chain. Yet a fully-grown elephant is 100x the size of the chain holding them. Once elephants have grown up, they can easily break free of the chains yet they choose not to do so while listening to human beings that are 1/10th their size. This is the power of the mind and mind control. 

You can make people believe anything, and you can control them. This is more powerful than any war or any physical threat – but the unseen threat. The subconscious threat.

Areas of Mind Control

Mind control can be seen in the following areas:

Celebrity gossip
Mainstream news
Popular pastimes like going to the bar or club to consume alcohol
Generic mindsets we have like: “all rich people are evil”
The toxic friends you hang out with
And more..

But there are also very severe cases of mind control:
  • MK Ultra Experiments
  • Alien Abductions
  • Satanic Ritual Abuse
  • Big world altering events: COVID-19, 9/11
  • Using the word conspiracy theorist to discredit people coming close to the truth
  • The whole money system itself
  • Cults

Who is doing the mind control and what is the goal of this?

The word “control” in mind control implies that there is someone doing the controlling. So who are these shadowy figures doing the controlling. Some say it’s the elites, some say it’s the rich people in power some say it’s the devil. You would be right if you say that it’s all of above. Mind control is a top-down function, that there needs to be a perpetrator and there needs to be a victim. The perpetrator usually has some sort of an agenda, to put out to the masses. They want to program a certain opinion to the person, while the victim carries out the opinion.

The general consensus of what’s going out in the world forms specific opinions, such as “we don’t have the power to change anything”, “the way the world is like that are because humans are just evil at heart” “go to your job, shut up and don’t ask questions” are general mindsets that have been passed on by someone. The thing with mind control is, it’s a virus, where the programmer doesn’t need to be there to spread their agenda across the population, the mind-controlled victim will simply just pass on their mindsets to the unsuspecting next victim and so on and so forth.

Hence the word: “NPC” is formed. A person that has no internal barriers to protect themselves against mind control, to not have their own opinion becomes an NPC. That’s why you see the majority of people parroting a similar opinion, a similar narrative, doing the same things. This is simply just how the world works.

The elites of the world, the people that are in control. Many names have been used to describe this force, Satan, the Cabal, A Jewish elite – but they have put the masses to sleep, to put them into a coma. How can a small amount of the population pull this off? Only 0.00001% of the world can control 7 billion people? It’s not because of the money they hold, or the weapons they hold – it’s mind control. And the antidote to that is self-actualization and self-governance. No government in the world wants a self-governing population because it will defeat the purpose of one.

How to break free of mind control?

To break free of mind control, the first thing is to be aware that this is happening. We have been mind controlled since birth in likely a world that is a matrix. Awareness is the first step. You also must study the mechanisms of mind control which are first an opinion repeated enough times, seen consciously and subconsciously will soon become a fact even though it’s not really a fact.

Take a look at George Orwell’s famous book: 1984 where the truth has become such a distortion that the truth becomes a lie, that is essentially mind control.

We have to admit that since we are a group species, that we are susceptible to the influence of the group. Therefore, employ measures such as retreating into nature, being by yourself, journaling your thoughts on paper and coming up with originality, exercising creativity, trying new things, pushing your comfort zone. These are the things the matrix does not want you to do and instead want you to mindlessly scroll through social media.

If you are reading this post, you are lucky – because perhaps now you have truly a way to break out of the mind control that’s been present in society.
