Are Reptilian Aliens Real?

The reptilian conspiracy theory is one of the most interesting of all conspiracy theories on the internet, which was first popularized by David Icke.

The premise of the theory is that there are members of people in power, in particular, the United States government, that are non-human, or reptilian. 

At first glance, this sounds extremely preposterous. 

However, if you look closely into the history of where this theory originated from, you may be surprised that Icke was not the only person that was speaking out on this. There has been many whistleblowers and eyewitnesses of reptilian beings. 

This was strange incident was actually published in various official media outlets, however the articles were scrubbed and removed from their respective media sites less than 24 hours after being released. 


The case of Justin Bieber was very peculiar but if you dig deeper, cases where celebrity have a "glitch" is something of a common occurrence.

Here is a video compilation of eyewitnesses that claim to have met reptillian beings: 

Are these eyewitnesses in the video lying as well?

We are living in very strange times, after it was admitted on national television in the United States that alien life in fact do exist.

Now, I do not know if this theory is real, or if it is a hoax but the coronavirus pandemic has made all of us challenge our very beliefs itself of what is reality. 

For many, if one would say 5 years ago, that a global pandemic would shut down the whole world, force everyone to wear a face mask when you go out, and take an untested lethal injection, you would be called crazy. 

Yet it is happening.

If these people are making things up, or just flat out crazy? Then the question we have to ask is why? We have to first understand rationally what are their motivations. 

What is there to gain for spreading crazy conspiracy theories? 

It’s definitely not money nor fame, if anything you are likely to face tremendous ridicule if one were to spread “dangerous conspiracy theories”.

So why would any sane person do this? 

Unless, of course if it was actually was true. 

But the fact of the matter is we live in a world where lying is encouraged to keep the peace that it’s so rare to find an individual that is brave enough to speak out.. 

As a society, we have to change that so that we can find out what the truth is.

I would like to use this post to urge you to open yourself to new ideas as perhaps, there is an element of truth in them.
