The Power Of Intuition

Intuition, one of the forces that drives most high performers. Intuition, the one forces that drives life.

But what exactly is this illusive force called intuition? You hear a lot of people talking about it, but generally you are confused about what exactly it is when asked.

I would define your intuitive ability is your ability to access your 6th sense. To access information that you otherwise cannot see.

Think for example a tiger is hiding on the grass just across the street ready to pounce on you. You do not see this tiger, yet you know it is there. You have no 5-sensory knowledge that the tiger is there yet somehow when in times of great danger, you can sense it. That is one of the many avenues of which you are accessing your intuition.

It is also the force that drives people to do things, some of the things accessing your intuition can grant you is your “passion". What is passion? Again, it is a very elusive thing. If you are to think rationally (5-sense thinking), your passion is not practical, it is not logically sane to do it because society would look at it as a waste of time. Yet, it is one of the most important things you can have in your life because it’s the force that brings you alive. Your intuition gives you access to that.

Without intuition, are you just a robot that eats and sleep? In my personal opinion, intuition is what makes you a human being. Let us begin the exploration into intuition.

Men vs Women Intuition

A majority of people and experts would say that women are in general more intuitive than men, however I would have to disagree.

I think there are both intuitive men, and non-intuitive men as well as intuitive women and non-intuitive women.

Your gender does not hinder your ability to develop your intuition.

The stereotype about women’s sixth sense comes from what I would call “5-sense intuition”. I would say your 5-sense intuition is your intuitive ability to access knowledge that is happening in real time, that is not seen.

In general, women are actually far more attuned to their surroundings to their men, so that is why they have a stronger 5-sense intuition than men.

This is also due to their evolutionary instinct and, at least through our modern history, because of women’s history growing up less privileged than men and therefore less powerful. Therefor in order to survive in the harsh would, they would have to be able to sense danger before it ever happened, hence the 5-sense intuition.

However, this 5-sense intuition is not the same as the other types of intuition which I will be discussing in this blog post. It is in my opinion still, the most limiting type of intuition there is because you are limited to using this intuition to access knowledge in the present.

This is in my opinion, what women will generally develop as one’s natural gift. A natural gift meaning something that does not need to work to develop. Men on the other hand, and talking about your typical average joe on the street will not be inclined to develop their 5-sense intuition unless pushed otherwise, because they are physically and more wired to be stronger and so they do not really need to develop that survival instinct as much as women.

However, that is not to say that there are men that are far more attuned spiritually and intuitively than women, think about the ascended masters or figures such as Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, etc which have awakened their intuition to such a degree.

This is not to say that a women’s intuition or a men’s intuition is superior, because we both contain masculine and feminine energy. An inclination towards one’s energy, for example men towards masculine and female towards feminine would mean by default a female would be more likely to develop their female intuitive ability.

Psychic Intuition

A sensory, presently based intuition (women's intuition) is the most basic form of the intuition. But now let's get into what many would call "actual intuition".

Firstly, there is the psychic intuitive, people that can attune to the unseen realm, or one would call the spirit realm.

This is not the same with a 5-sense intuition, because a person could be a very gifted 5-sense intuitive (women’s intuition), but a terrible psychic and wise versa. That is why I wanted to establish the gender stereotypes.

There are in general 4 types of psychic intuition.

1     1. Clairaudience

2.      2.Clairsentience

3.     3. Claircognizance

       4. Clairvoyance

It would take at least 10 hours to cover each of these so I will describe them in a few sentences.

Clairaudience (clear hearing) is your intuitive ability to do with sounds. Musicial geniuses, people that hear spirits, this is the intuition they are accessing.

Clairsentience (clear feeling) is your intuitive ability to feel. Empaths fall under this catergory. A clairsentient person can just walk into a room and feel their vibes. Energy healers and people that work with Reiki also have a disposition to clairsentience.

Claircognizant (clear knowing) ability is your intuitive ability to access knowledge. This is someone that would walk into a room and know a person has bad vibes. Or he will know this happened. He does not really have anything else to work with, he just knows things (I am very claircognizant, so perhaps you, the reader may be claircognizant as well if this article resonates with you). Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo Da Vinci is said to be claircognizant.

Clairvoyant (clear seeing) is the intuitive ability to see the unseen realm using their vision. A clairvoyant would be one that has the talent or ability to see ghosts. Also, people that have synthesis (the ability to smell colors) would be one that falls under clairvoyant. Clairvoyants’ stereotypes would be one that could “see” the future, and have visions of it.

This is the general knowledge of what I would call a psychic intuitive.

Reality Bending

Then there are other intuitive, which fall under a different category. These are what I would call “reality benders”. These are people who have developed the ability to warp their reality through their intuition. A psychic intuitive, is still operating under the laws of our psychics, meaning that one would call “realistic”. However, a reality bender would be someone that breaks the laws of physics, and people that one would call doing impossible feats with what is generally accepted to be a human being.

People that fall under these categories may include

  • Jumpers, or people that can teleport through space and time.
  • Time travelers
  • Masters over the elements, people that can create fire from their hands (see Chinese monks light a paper on fire) or create electricity from touching something.
  • Telekinesis and levitation.
  • Mind reading.
  • Immortality, stopping the aging process.
  • Hyper regenerative capabilities. Self-regeneration.
  • Raising of the dead (including necromancy).
  • Shapeshifting.
  • Super strength (utilizing one’s body to do impossible feats such as flying).
  • Healing through energy.
  • Controlling the weather using your thoughts.

Though the 4 clairs (psychic intuition), you would still hear about these from time to time in the mainstream, but the “reality benders” are something you would never ever hear about it in the mainstream.

Human beings at one point have had these abilities of reality bending, what one would call reality bending would be called normal. If you research into the eras of Atlantis and Lumeria which many would call the golden age of humanity. These feats of supernatural were once called normal, but I believe we have lost this ability to do so.

Many of these abilities were hidden away through the mystery schools of the past, and delve into the occult.

Nature Bending

The final intuitive category I would call are, nature benders. Meaning, people with high levels of intuition of this are able to bend nature itself, or escape from nature.

I would categorize these as “nature benders”.

-Astral projection

-Lucid dreaming. Ability to tap into 4th 5th densities and above.

-Communicating with the unseen realm, mediums.

-Accessing, reading and decoding the Akashic records

-Psychonaut abilities to explore psychedelic realms.

-Parallel universes, and the ability to hop between them.

-Deep meditative practitioners that have achieved enlightenment.

These abilities are abilities one would see when your brain is in a “delta” state, or deep sleep state. These realms that you can access through this intuition are out of this world completely. They may even be out of this universe.

This is possible because of the nature of reality in which we are ultimately consciousness, infinite consciousness and thus if we are everything that can be that exists that is existing simultaneously, feats like these are technically possible.

A force to be reckoned with

At the highest level, all intuitive abilities are connected. For example, a person that can jump through time would naturally also be able to access parallel universes. Developing in one area usually means a developing slightly in another. What is written here is only 0.1% of what is out there, intuition is a very deep field and one could spend a lifetime studying this. However, our society looks down upon this and puts this as “fiction” just because they cannot see it. Remember, intuition deals with the unseen realm but it is the most powerful force that one can use. So, if one were called crazy if it is not here, but 5 days later, it appears, you are at the same time named a genius?

Why is this? If you take a look at quantum physics, if one were to use a microscope and to zoom in upon your cells, and unto an atom, eventually you would come into empty space. There is no solidity in reality, scientists have even called this energy “Dark Matter”.  The truth is, we do not understand much about the world we live in, but only we have been sold the illusion that we are all omnipotent creatures. Remember, all of the greatest inventions that you are using right now were once part of the unseen realm. Thus, you would not exist without the power of intuition.
