Gearing Up For The Next 3-6 Months (2022)

As of February of 2022, many countries around the world such as the UK, Denmark, Norway, The Czech Republic, and Sweden have suddenly dropped Covid lockdowns and restrictions..

This is good news. As it is giving we, the people a breathing room. 

The battle however is far from over and in fact it has just begun.

It is extremely important for the next 3-6 months us to gear up and prepare for what is coming next because the Globalists are going to be throwing everything at us, yet at the same time it is one of the best opportunities for you to take back our world.

So what are we seeing in this global stage?

What you are seeing is something called “two step-forward, one step back.” Imagine if you were to impose every single draconian measure from the lockdowns, to the masks, to the dangerous vaccines, to a microchip ALL at the same time..

The plan would fail, because it’s done too quickly and too fast and therefor will create an automatic pushback response. But if you closely study how we got to this point, it started from small erosions of our rights, from the lockdowns, to the masking, to the social distancing, to conditional vaccinations, to near mandatory vaccinations. There is a progression, and just like a snowball rolling down the hill – it might just be too late to stop it once it reaches an avalanche.

It's still not too late to stop the avalanche, simply take the frog out fo the boiling water.

Recent Events That Show Promise

There is however, A LOT of people waking up. Here are some of the events that show hope within the people.

Reiner Fuelmich is launching a model grand jury trial against the people in power.


Trucker blockade in Canada shows resistance and will in the people to stand up against tyrannical COVID measures.

Interviewees from Nicholas Veniamin claim the Russian, Ukrainian crisis is all fake, which is being used to provoke a response from NATO which may lead to a a third world war.


People all around the world are waking up to the damages these vaccines are causing.


What seems like a hopeless situation at first glance, also still highlights the spirit of the people which are willing to take a stand to fight for the freedom of this world. The battle is not yet over.

What Is The New World Order?

Right now, we are at the precipice of two societies forming. One, being the New World Order, which is the system that is there to demolish our freedoms and rights and to turn the world into basically a slave society dictated by AI. 

The second, being the New Earth – a society where peace, harmony, joy and love reign supreme.

But before we go into any details, what exactly is the New World Order?

This New World Order plan has been argued by various conspiracy researchers such as Jordan Maxwell, Bill Ryan, and also recently being brought to the forefront to scientists like WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stcukelberg, to have been planned for a very long time. Simply change the word: “New World Order” with the word “Great Reset”.

This New World Order plan has been the goal of the illuminati families to take full control of the world through banking (a one world currency), through military (a one world police state), and through government (one world government ruled by potentially the anti-Christ). 

Here are examples of 4 of the 13 families:

-The Rothchilds. Banking Families.

-The Rockerfellers. Oil Tycoons.

-The Li Families. Vast fortunes of Chinese real estate and manufacturing.

-The Dupont Families. Strong ties with freemasonry. 

There has been other names that are involved of this illusive illuminati, the Clintons have been said to be Rothschilds in disguise, the Bush families as well are involved, and the Gates families. The people that have been listed are from the United States, but it is important to remember that this is a global agenda and there are agents of these families in all around the world.

Membership in the illuminati comes from being a Satanist. Child trafficking, and drug trafficking are the main mechanisms of funding within these organizations. Membership is also done through bloodline, bloodline meaning one that has “royal blood” flowing through one’s veins. It’s not a club that you can simply join by just signing up. 

If you trace back the lineage of the illuminati, one will stumble across the kings and queens of past times and unto the great empires that once ruled this Earth. Those responsible for WW2, The Chinese Dynasty, the British Empire, and finally going all the way back to the Roman Empire. The rulers of these kingdoms did not simply vanish but they went into hiding and replaced overt control for covert control.

The time is up for these dictators as the vibration of the planet is being raised into what many have prophesied: Age of Aquarius, also known as the age of information. The end of our world is upon us, but it is not the end of the world but the end of the LOW VIBRATION density of our world. A person that operates under deceit will not longer be able to function on this planet any longer because their time is up. In the age of information, all that is hidden will come to the surface and be shone towards the light of consciousness.

The Decisive Situation We Are In

Currently in Canada, the Liberal government, led by Young Global Leader member, Justin Trudeau, has announced war on the people by implementing the Emergencies Act and blocking funds to truckers in the Freedom Convoy. 

This act will allow the government to declare certain areas as no-go zones, allows police to freeze protestor’s bank accounts and conduct arrests under the guise of spreading misinformation. Seems like a lot of power to have for one little man huh?

Under this act, we are basically getting a glimpse of a biosecurity state run on a social credit score system which is rivals China's existing model of governance. If the ruling party doesn't like you, they can deprive you of a job, block you from accessing bank funds, and even jail you indefinitely with no due process as described. What I just described is a model for what the New World Order wants for the rest of the world (though it does not mean they will get it).

This act ultimately was unsuccessful, and ineffective because of the massive protests and pushback from the people that were fighting for freedom in Canada. Trudeau has revoked this act as of 23rd of February, 2022.

The "new normal" does not have to be digital slavery with endless toxic injections, microchips, and Metaverse headsets, but rather, a world of infinite possibilities and abundance where egregious-wealth disparity and corrupt political systems are simply relics of the past. The reason why is because there are vastly more of us than of them.

Advanced technologies like free energy, med beds, etc. that are hidden could be brought to forefront for access to all people. It is a world where knowledge can be freely accessed to someone with a device in their hand. A place where technology and spirituality can co-exist hand in hand rather than having technology control us.

It is possible that we are headed towards total tyranny, but it's also possible that we can finally liberate ourselves from our oppressive governments and institutions that don't serve the people. 

The choice lies with you, and how you choose to respond to what you are seeing in the outside world. Stay passive, do not take any action and continue to acquiesce to rules that do not serve anyone and you may be seeing a 1984 Orwellian State forming that will make George Orwell roll in his grave. 

Use your innate courage within yourselves and take massive action towards creating the New Earth the way you see fit, in your image and just maybe, just maybe, a miracle will form before your very eyes.
