Is this world truly evil? Are we born good?
Or are human beings simply nasty creatures.
The reasons that many religious texts have been pointing to is due to demonic forces that have infiltrated and is ruling this world.
The reason why human beings have become this way, is due to the Archonic forces that have been controlling the world for eons.
If you observe people that have taken psychedelic drugs on DMT, many have observed travelling to realm that can be described as “Hell” where beings of evil reside. Slight glimpses of this can be seen in spotting entities, or demons in the physical realm.
This is not because of a hallucination; this is because of the vibrational slip that allows their dimension to collide with our world. The demonic takeover is very real and we have to do something about this.
Has the world been ruled by evil?

If you take a look at modern society, you can see the degrading of consciousness happening every single day. To the degenerate pop music, we listen to about drug, sex and chasing money. To the politicians that lie and cheat entire populations. To the endless and mindless wars that human beings are fighting.
Are human beings simply evil creatures or is there a reason behind this? If you take a look on the flipside, there is also alot of good in the world– to charities that are propping up to help those in need, people coming together in times and crisis and putting aside their differences, to heroic acts every day by people in dangerous situations like firefighters jumping into a building full of fire, pilots landing a plane that’s about to crash to save a few hundred lives.
I believe that the nature of the human being is good, however through eons of bad karma in the present life and past lives allows a demonic force to take control of the human. This force has been described in many texts around the world: demons in Christianity, the Djinn in Islam, Mara in Buddhism. This “force” lives in a dimension that is different from us and sometimes appears into ours if there is a vibrational match. They are parasitic in nature and control the human host just like a virus infects a human being.
They are the ones that have created the SYSTEM that allows for the maximum amount of evil. The manifestation of this evil is not some fantasy land, You ARE living in right now, the evil is woven into the fabric into our world. From the financial system that exploits those under them, to the psychopaths and sociopaths that exist in the world. By the way, psychopathy is NOT a mental illness – it’s a demonic possession and take over of the human body and spirit. The human spirit at its essence cannot be destroyed, but the body can be taken over by an entity.
Spirit Cooking |
All mental illness can be alike to demonic possession, that’s why the pills that big pharma produce do not produce a solution to any mental illness, depression, schizophrenia, Cluster B personalities. This is also the reason why any spiritual practice OR solutions that’s outside of the mainstream has been banned since the advent of Rockefeller scalpel and drug medicine. This includes alternative medicine which has cured millions of people worldwide.
The people in control of the world are simply people that have been controlled by this force and taking what these entities are telling them as fact. Why do the elites practice pedophilia, human sacrifice and many heinous acts? It’s an entity possession that’s going on from demonic forces that have destroyed many worlds in the past.
Video about people being demonically possessed:
The Covid-19 Vaccine
The covid-19 vaccine is not only just damaging to one’s physical body. But it is alike to a demonic possession. This is why people have reported personality changes after people taking the COVID-19 vaccine, especially in the cases of AstraZeneca (to kill the stars) and Johnson and Johnson.
The goal of these elites is not simply a physical, New World Order where a few people have total and absolute control of those under them but also a spiritual dominion over people. For these entities to be able to easily and effortlessly cross over to our dimension. There is a reason why materialism has been rampant in society. If a “force” that wants to control the world does not want to know about its existent, it is best to do so covertly and thus destroy all hints of the spiritual and make everything material so that this force, entering through the spiritual cannot find out about what’s going on.
What is the antidote to evil?
Have you ever heard of the saying: “money is the root of all evil”
Money is simply a tool. Just like a system is just a tool. It’s dependent on the heart of the user and who uses the tool. If a person is clean and pure at heart, then the tool they use will be good. But if the person is evil at heart, then whatever you do – the tool will be used for evil.
This evil that has been ruling the world is simply a state of consciousness. The solution is not bigger weapons, bigger armies and bigger bodies – it’s a bigger heart. The heart is what these entities and psychopathic people fear the most, because what does the heart produce?
It’s love. It’s courage, the daringness to challenge what is wrong. It’s peace. It’s willpower and purpose to win. It’s empathy and kindness to other people and things. It’s belief. It’s bravery. It’s the stance of not backing down from a challenge, not giving up. It’s imagination. It’s creativity. It’s understanding. It’s connection. It’s contribution.
You have to trust your intuition, your intuition comes from your heart which is the voice that speaks to you. These are things that evil cannot comprehend. Good cannot exist in the same room as evil because it’s vibrationally at a different standpoint as evil.
The antidote to evil as corny as it sounds is to raise our vibration to such a point where this force cannot lock onto us. It’s through love. The love for the people around us is in a way what this force fears. Evil cannot exist within the presence of love because love is quantum leaps above hatred. The power of love is what will conquer all. Even the people say that “if love got everything done, the world wouldn’t be this way” are saying it from a place of love. We need love, we need to go back to what’s humane and perhaps we have a fighting chance with the desperate battle going on against this force that wants to destroy humanity.
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