The Vaccine Shedding Problem


Do you know what’s in the COVID-19 vaccine? Me neither. I think that’s the problem with what’s going on within the COVID-19 pandemic is that about 5 billion people do not know what they have been injected with. 

There is a phenomenon called vaccine shedding taking place, where people that have not been vaccinated are feeling the effects of what will be called the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

What’s going on here?

The plan – Why people cannot see it?

So why can’t people that have been vaccinated not notice the effects of the vaccine itself?

I believe the reason is that there is a mass formation that is forming. Since the majority of people believe that there is a “virus”, they will simply attribute that the symptoms an unvaccinated person is experiencing is just COVID rather than a symptom of shedding.

The plan is ingenious, trick people that there is a virus and put the real virus into the solution, which is the vaccine. The PCR test which is used to diagnose infectious diseases such as HIV, and AIDS cannot be used as an accurate diagnostic tool for simply the reason that this test is only testing for genetic material and not the virus itself.

A person can have been in contact with the virus and be totally fine but after being diagnosed by the PCR test, be considered infected. But it doesn’t show if a person is truly sick. While the vaccine, uses new mRNA technology and have so far seen detrimental effects because of the mind control that’s being done through the media which makes people fail to see that the vaccines are causing all these deaths not COVID.

It's done cleverly through the blind trust of governmental and authority figures. If criminals exist in the government that are perpetrating this, the blind trust has led to blind obedience, hence why you see not many people pushing back of this. It’s a societal problem of lack of critical thinking that’s going on here.

Symptoms of Shedding

The symptoms of shedding can be seen as follow. 

-Tingly feelings on your tongue

-Heart palpitations

-Feeling like a demon is trying to take over your body

-Can’t sleep

-Huge headache

-Hallucinations, though minor compared to those vaccinated

-Incoherent thoughts


Though these feelings can be attributed to nearly anything, the feeling of shedding only occurs when being around someone that has been vaccinated and disappears when taken away from the vicinity of a vaccinated person.

Will simply staying away from vaccinated people be the solution?

I would say that is absolutely not the solution. We have to work together with people that have taken the inoculation to figure out what in the world is going on. Asking questions like: why are people that are vaccinated now suffering from huge problem? Why are people not vaccinated feeling the same symptoms around the vaccinated?

I’m not a doctor so I cannot tell you what is the exact mechanisms that is going on in the vaccine.

But I would say, the two most important things to solve this are: conversions and getting the truth out. Conversations are to bring awareness to people that these are things that are going on while “getting the truth” out involves talking to doctors and health professionals that HAVE injected people with this substance to take a close look into the technology.

It’s absolutely crazy that mRNA technology that has never been used in human history has been forced up on 7 billion people and yet when people are developing major side effects from it, no one is talking about it. The only answer can be an ignorance and avoidance of the truth, and some level of plausible deniability. We have to get the truth out.

With so many celebrities and people around us suffering from complications from the vaccine believing that this is covid-19, we have to awaken people to what is going on before whatever agenda that is behold upon us takes fold.
